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  3. Human Rights Education in Asia-Pacific
  4. Human Rights Education in Asia-Pacific (Volume Nine)

Human Rights Education in Asia-Pacific Backnumber

Human Rights Education in Asia-Pacific (Volume Nine)

Complete file for Volume Nine

Table of Contents




Indigenous Peoples and Culture: Orang Rimba’s Education - Butet Manurung

Empowering Art - Cecille Pauline Sanglap Montenegro (Yllang)

Jogja’s Community Theater for Radical Change for the Difabled - Irfan Kortschak

Attaining Justice for Women and Girls in Islamic Countries - Irum Ahsan and Maria Cecilia T. Sicangco

Pakistan’s Prison Paralegal Program - Haya Zahid and Shahzaman Panhawar

Legal Empowerment Approach through Community Paralegal Project - Khalid Hussain

Business and Human Rights Education in Myanmar: The First Five Years of Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business - Vicky Bowman and Donne Guest

National Institution for Human Rights in the Kingdom of Bahrain: Human Rights Education Program - National Institution for Human Rights

SUHAKAM: Education, Promotion and Publicity - SUHAKAM


Developing Networks of Human Rights Teaching Universities in the Asia-Pacific: The Establishment of SEAHRN and AUN-HRE - Mike Hayes


Rethinking ESD from the View of an Ainu Fisherman - Fumiko Noguchi

Human Rights Education at the Digital/Global Age - Akihiko Morita

Moral Education as Special Subject in Public Schools? Implications for Human Rights Education - Osaka Prefectural Teachers Union

Human Rights, Culture and Education - Jefferson R. Plantilla


Wonosobo Declaration To Strengthen Tolerance, Inclusivity and Justice in Indonesia

About the Authors