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  4. 市民団体の全国フォーラムで「ヘイトスピーチの廃絶を求めるアピール」採択(6月16日)

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日本では1980年代以降の移住者人口の増大と、1990年代に始まった「外国人犯罪」キャンペーンの影響などから、外国籍者や外国にルー ツをもつ人々に対するゼノフォビア(外国人嫌悪)が広がり始めました。また反中国を公言する石原前東京都知事のいわゆる「三国人発言」が、国内外から違法性を指摘されていたにも関わらず、結果的に放置されたため、公然とヘイトスピーチ(憎悪・差別表現)を行う人々が一般 社会でも増え始めました。2000年代以降の近隣諸国との歴史認識問題をめぐる軋轢の中で、歴史修正主義と嫌韓反中意識が広がり、外国人排斥を主目的とする極右団体も誕生しました。そして2010年代にはついに、在日コリアンが多く住み、店舗を出す地域で「大虐殺を実行する」 「朝鮮人を駆除せよ」「よい韓国人も悪い韓国人もどちらも殺せ」といった敵意や憎悪に満ちた街宣活動が、白昼堂々繰り返されるようになりました。

私たちは日本を、人びとの心を深く傷つけ、生存の脅威を感じさせる暴言やジェノサイド(集団虐殺)、エスノサイド(民族抹殺)の公言を放置 するような社会にしたくはありません。特定の民族集団を「殺せ、殺せ」と叫ぶ街宣活動が拡大していく社会は、国際社会からも孤立し、危険視されていきます。

私たちは、敵意や憎悪が広がる事態を速やかになくすべく、思いを同じくする人たちと幅広く連携・協力し、以下の課題に取り組んでいくことを 表明します。

(1) 特定の民族、国籍、社会的身分に属する人びとに対する敵意を煽り、殺害や排除を予告・助長するような暴言・脅迫・威嚇を行うヘイトスピーチは、許されない人権侵害であるという決議を、国会で採択させること。



Calling for the Elimination of Hate Speech
We gathered here at the 9th National Forum in Solidarity with Migrants in KOBE, 2013, with the aim to achieve a society, in which people with diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds respect each other’s differences, and in which cultural richness can develop through diversity. However, we see in many parts of Japan today an escalation of unbearably extreme speech and actions on the streets in full public view, which incite hatred against people of particular ethnicity or nationality, and which are in direct conflict with our ideals. We are deeply concerned and angered by the situation.
The increase in the migrant population since the 1980s and the effects of the campaign against “crimes committed by foreigners” which began in the 1990s led to the spread of xenophobia against foreign nationals and people with foreign origins. Further, no steps were taken against the so-called “Sangoku-jin” remark (xenophobic hate speech against migrants/immigrants) by Mr. Ishihara, the former Governor of Tokyo, who has publicly professed his anti-Chinese sentiments, although the remark had been criticized for being unlawful both from within and outside the country. Consequently, we have seen an increase in people publicly engaging in hate speech in the society in general.
Historical revisionism and anti-Korean as well as anti-Chinese sentiments spread as the disputes with the neighboring countries involving understandings of history continued since the 2000s. Extreme right-wing organizations with the main purpose of exclusion of foreign nationals were created. And ultimately, in 2010, street demonstrations filled with hostility and hatred, with words such as “we will conduct a massacre,” “exterminate Koreans,“ and “kill both good and bad Koreans,” were held repeatedly in broad daylight in areas in which many Koreans live or have business operations.
We do not want Japan to become a society that does nothing against violent speech, which cause people serious pain and fear for their lives, or against public incitement for genocide or ethnocide. A society in which street demonstrations with shouts to “kill, kill” particular ethnic groups, increase and escalate, will be isolated and regarded as a danger in the international society.
We declare that we will join hands and cooperate with a broad spectrum of like-minded people to engage in the following issues, to stem without delay the spread of hostility and hatred. 
(1) Call for an adoption of a resolution in the Diet, stating that hate speech, which incites hostility against people of particular ethnicity, nationality or social class, or violent or threatening / intimidating speech which warns or promotes murder or exclusion, is an impermissible violation of human rights.
(2) Call for the withdrawal of the reservation attached to the provisions in the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination  (editing note) and for the swift legislation in the Diet and the implementation of a legal system of elimination of racial discrimination including the elimination of hate speech and remedies for victims.
(3) Stop politicians, who engage in spreading ideas of racial superiority or hatred, or who incite racial discrimination, from being elected to the Diet or local assemblies.
16 June, 2013
Adopted by the Participants of the 9th National Forum in Solidarity with
Migrants in KOBE
Editor’s note :Japan has attached a reservation on the following article.
Article 4
(a) ( States Parties) Shall declare an offence punishable by law all dissemination of ideas based on racial superiority or hatred, incitement to racial discrimination, as well as all acts of violence or incitement to such acts against any race or group of persons of another colour or ethnic origin, and also the provision of any assistance to racist activities, including the financing thereof;
(b) Shall declare illegal and prohibit organizations, and also organized and all other propaganda activities, which promote and incite racial discrimination, and shall recognize participation in such organizations or activities as an offence punishable by law,
(translated by HURIGHTS OSAKA)

(2013年06月24日 掲載)