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  4. December 2014 - Volume Vol. 78
  5. Two Decades

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FOCUS December 2014 Volume Vol. 78

Two Decades


The Asia-Pacific Human Rights Information Center/HURIGHTS OSAKA celebrated its twentieth year of existence in December 2014.
The past two decades recorded years of work to pursue a lofty goal of contributing to protection, promotion and realization of human rights in the vast Asia-Pacific. They were decades of hard work subjected to resource limitations and constraints from external factors.
Established as a local institution with a regional human rights program, HURIGHTS OSAKA had to take extra effort of getting support from institutions and individuals within Japan and in other countries to implement regional projects.
It had to find a niche in the varied field of human rights work in the region. It had to seek partners to widen its reach, enrich its work, and deepen its grasp of the issues at hand.
During the course of twenty years, it collaborated in various ways with many institutions (governmental and non-governmental; local, national, regional and international) in research and educational tasks.
Rather than gloat over whatever it has achieved, HURIGHTS OSAKA is humbled by the two decades of experience. Since time flies and the work does not end, it has only the option of keeping its work on course towards the fulfillment of its goals.