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  4. June 2016 - Volume 84
  5. Human Rights Events in the Asia-Pacific

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FOCUS June 2016 Volume 84

Human Rights Events in the Asia-Pacific

An international symposium on “Responsible Business, Responsible Supply Chain ‘How should Japan implement UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights in its policy and practice?’” was held on 29 June 2016 at the United Nations University U Thant International Conference Hall in Tokyo. There were presentations on several topics including“Responsible business and human rights risk in emerging markets,” “Present and future of implementation of UN Guiding Principles - global development of human rights due diligence,” and “Implementation of UN Guiding Principles in the United States - Government, Company and CSO.” This symposium was organized by the Institute of Developing Economies (IDE-JETRO) and supported by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan.

For more information, please contact: External Relations Division, Research Promotion Department, IDE-JETRO;    

ph +81-43-299-9536; fax: +81-43-299-9726; e-mail:; and

The first local/regional tribunal session of the International Tribunal on Evictions will be held in Asia on 2-4 July 2016 in Taipei, Taiwan. Named “East Asia Regional Tribunal on Evictions,” twenty-five eviction cases from Southeast and Northeast Asia will be heard. A special session in Hua-Kuang Community in Taipei will hear the testimonies of witnesses in seven selected eviction cases from Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Thailand, Malaysia and the Philippines. The witnesses will speak on their experiences of forced eviction, the disenfranchisement of right to housing/ habitat, and take evidence from activist witnesses. Roundtable discussions will discuss eighteen other eviction cases. The tribunal sessions are part of the collective efforts to demand priority in the Habitat III Agenda to the deteriorated situations of evictions worldwide.

For further information, please contact: The Steering Committee of 2016 East Asia Tribunal on Evictions, e-mail:;