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  4. September 2011 - Volume Vol. 65
  5. Fleeing for Safety

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FOCUS September 2011 Volume Vol. 65

Fleeing for Safety


Imminent of loss of life or limb, political or religious persecution, and torture experience are some of the reasons that force people to decide to leave their own country and face an uncertain future elsewhere.

The decision to cross the border to another country in order to live in safety is an extreme decision millions of people the world over have made for decades.

A significant number of them have to suffer prolonged wait for recognition as asylum seekers, many more have to live in dire straits as refugees. Many also have to cross the border back to homeland.

While transit countries and those being asked to grant asylum have the right to protect themselves against abuse of the exercise of right to asylum, there must be a way to avoid unjustified suffering for those who legitimately fled from imminent loss of life and freedom or from persecution.

There must be protection of the human rights of refugees and asylum seekers, rather than excessive concern for such abuse. Neither should the legitimate refugees and asylum seekers be subjected to forced return to country of origin, and make such people suffer the human rights violations they fled from.