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  5. Message from the new Director

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FOCUS June 2006 Volume 44

Message from the new Director

Osamu Shiraishi

Osamu Shiraishi
Asia-Pacific Human Rights Information Center

While upholding the universality of human rights, it is important that human rights become a reality in local communities with diverse backgrounds. Human rights after all should be enjoyed by all members of the community, that is, every person and group within it. How is it possible to address two seemingly contradictory demands, namely, upholding the universality of human rights and addressing the diverse needs of communities?

HURIGHTS OSAKA takes this challenge in pursuit of its goals. Its mission statement provides that HURIGHTS OSAKA aims to promote human rights in the Asia-Pacific region and to convey Asia-Pacific perspectives on human rights to the international community.

Having worked for 24 years in the United Nations secretariat in the area of human rights and having been raised in Japan, I understand and share this challenge. And anyone who has been involved in human rights activities in the Asia-Pacific region would see that this is not an easy challenge to face.

In order to enrich the universal nature of human rights the contribution of the Asia-Pacific region is essential. Such contribution can come from the process of firmly rooting human rights within local communities with diverse social, cultural and religious backgrounds. The universality of human rights stands on the basic concept that each person is equal in dignity with everyone else, regardless of who and where he/she may be.

I would be pleased if I could make even a small contribution to the work of HURIGHTS OSAKA in the years to come. I look forward to working together with all the partners and collaborators of HURIGHTS OSAKA and would appreciate their closer cooperation and unchanging support.