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  4. December 1997 - Volume 10
  5. Events in the Region

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FOCUS December 1997 Volume 10

Events in the Region

  1. The 6th UN-sponsored workshop on Asia-Pacific Human Rights Arrangement will be held in Teheran February 2-4, 1998. The meeting will hopefully review the plan of action agreed upon in Amman toward the establishment of a regional human rights mechanism in the Asia-Pacific. The plan of action is in line with the Asia-Pacific governments' step-by-step or building block approach to creating such a human rights mechanism.
  2. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan will hold its third symposium on human rights in the Asia-Pacific. This symposium will have presentations by people from Asia-Pacific countries who have been involved in the United Nations human rights work. A primary guest in this symposium is the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Ms. Mary Robinson.This third symposium will be held in January 1998 in Tokyo. Contact organization: Multilateral Cooperation Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tokyo, Japan.