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  4. December 1996 - Volume 6
  5. APWSL Japan Revitalizes

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FOCUS December 1996 Volume 6

APWSL Japan Revitalizes

The Japanese chapter of Asia-Pacific Workers Solidarity Links (APWSL) held its 7th annual meeting with significant organizational issues discussed.

The two-day meeting focused on two critical issues of international solidarity and gender balance in the organization. The meeting was attended not only by APWSL Japan members but also by other Japanese who work in NGOs with regional (Asia-Pacific) programs, and representatives of United Steel Workers of America. The discussion centered on how APWSL Japan can improve its international/regional solidarity work. A program development along this line may be undertaken. APWSL Japan has been actively participating in the regional activities (such as the APEC NGO Forum, Toy Factory conference, and the People's Plan for the 21st Century). It is planning to take part in more regional activities such as workers' campaigns on various issues. It is also improving its publications (Workers Action and APWSL News).

In electing the new officers of the organization, APWSL Japan dwelt on having gender balance. It would like to have an equal number of women as national co-representatives (or facilitators). In its previous election of officers, two women were elected as national co-representatives - an historical milestone in its quest for gender equality. But it was stressed that though this step was significant, they "...have to make daily efforts to continually take up all aspects of male domination." (emphasis ours)

May APWSL Japan fulfill its role successfully in the manner it set itself to do.