FOCUS Asia-Pacific newsletter, volume 106

The December 2021 (Volume 106) issue of the FOCUS Asia-Pacific newsletter has the following contents:

Ensuring Inclusivity
In situations of crisis, exclusion of some members of society from services and facilities that are meant to protect them and serve their needs occurs. In the current COVID-19 pandemic, youth are eased out of education, employment and other opportunities due to closure of schools and work places, and lockdowns. Similarly, some members of society suffer from inadequately disseminated information as well as prevention measures that fail to consider their linguistic, cultural and social conditions. Unless proper support is provided, the plight of these members of society might worsen.
- Editorial

The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Marginalized Youth*
COVID-19 has created an unprecedented crisis globally, disrupting the lives of millions of individuals as well as their families, economies and communities. Spanning geographies, the crisis, which was initially considered to be only a health setback, rapidly progressed into an unprecedented social and economic disaster.
- Asia South Pacific Association for Basic and Adult Education

All-of-Community by All-of-Government: Reaching Pacific People in Aotearoa New Zealand during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Pandemics affect everyone in society; however, their impact differs across individuals and groups and is heavily influenced by the social, economic, and political determinants of health. Populations already experiencing health disparities will be the most vulnerable during a pandemic.
- Julia Ioane, Teuila Percival, Winnie Laban, Ian Lambie

Color Vision Diversity - Towards Wider Recognition of Color Vision Minority
The current medical term "achromatopsia" or the former term "color-blindness" is understood by many people as "inferior color vision" or an "inability to distinguish colors."
- Hiroaki Oie

International Marriage in Japan: Russian-Speaking Women Married to Japanese Men
In this article I introduce my co-authored book, The Politics of International Marriage in Japan, which focuses on unraveling the web of historical, governmental, and cultural influences on international couples.
- Viktoriya Kim

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